Autor: Bind J., Braud I., Chiaverini A., Collins D., Dramais G., García C. M., Guillén N. F., Le Boursicaud R., Le Coz J., Patalano A., Smart G. M.
Klíčová slova: Citizen science, Crowdsourced data, Flood hydrology, Flood mapping, LSPIV
Název titulu / periodika: Journal of Hydrology
Rok vydání: 2016
Vydavatel: Elsevier
New communication and digital image technologies have enabled the public to produce large quantitiesof flood observations and share them through social media. In addition to flood incident reports, valuablehydraulic data such as the extent and depths of inundated areas and flow rate estimates can be computedusing messages, photos and videos produced by citizens. Such crowdsourced data help improve theunderstanding and modelling of flood hazard. Since little feedback on similar initiatives is available,we introduce three recent…