Autor: Hall W., Luczak-Roesch M., Simperl E., Tinati R.
Klíčová slova: Citizen science, Crowdsourcing, Gamification, Player Motivations
Název titulu / periodika: Computers in Human Behavior
Rok vydání: 2017
Vydavatel: Elsevier
Obor FORD: 5.1. Psychology and cognitive sciences
Sustained engagement of participants is essential for the success of a citizen science project. However, the motivations of why people engage with such activities can be idiosyncratic, varied, and evolving. In this article we examine player participation in Eyewire, a citizen science game. We undertake an investigation of why Eyewire players take part in the game based on responses from a large-scale survey. Our analysis identifies 4 groups of featureswhich impact participation and long-term engagement.…